How do you ensure the safety of your users?

At, we’re committed to providing a secured and safe platform for our users. We understand the importance of maintaining a trustworthy online community and have put several measures in place to ensure the safety of our users.

TermlyPlan implements email verification to ensure that users’ email addresses are valid and to reduce the likelihood of fraudulent activity.

TermlyPlan also closely monitors the platform for any harmful or illegal content and promptly remove them from the platform.

TermlyPlan provides its users with a reporting system that allows them to report any suspicious activity on the platform. Our moderation term always promptly reviewed and acted upon such report.

TermlyPlan educates its community on how to stay safe while using our platform, such protecting their personal information, avoid sending contact/payment details to other users via the TermlyPlan built-in messaging feature, and by reporting suspicious activities.

TermlyPlan requires users to create strong passwords and recommends that they regularly update their passwords to protect their accounts from unauthorized access.

TermlyPlan welcome seeks user feedback to identify potential safety issues and areas for improvement, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to ensuring a safe and secure online community for our users.

We believe that everyone has the right to a safe and secured online experience, and we’re constantly working to improve the safety of our platform to ensure that our users can use with confidence.

What methods do you use to verify the identity of your users? prioritizes online safety and utilizes email verification and IP checks to verify the identity of its users.

(1) Email Verification: When a user signs up for an account on TermlyPlan, they must provide a valid email address, and to complete their registration, the must click on the verification link we sent to their email address. This helps us reduce likelihood of fraudulent activity and ensure that only authentic user sign up on our platform.
(2) IP Checks: We also conduct IP checks to help us identify suspicious activity and prevent unauthorized access to users’ accounts.
Which the above measure, we are able to maintain a safe and secure online community.

What is your policy on fraudulent activity?

When it comes to fraudulent activity, we have zero-tolerance policy. Every report from users on fraudulent activity is treated with optimum seriousness and with thorough investigation. And when we find proof of fraudulent activity, we take immediate action to terminate and delete the offending account from our platform.

At TermlyPlan, we are one hundred percent (100%) committed to creating a safe and secure online platform for our users and will continue to take necessary measures to prevent and address fraudulent activity on our platform.

How do you handle user complaints and disputes?

At, we take all user complaints and disputes seriously and we have provided a reporting system that allow them flag suspicious and abusive activity on the platform.

Reports are promptly reviewed and acted upon by our support team. We reserve the right to remove any accounts or listings that violate our terms and conditions or community guidelines.

Overall, we are committed to providing a safe, secure and fair online community for our users and will continue to take all necessary measures to address user complaints, disputes and concerns, while also maintaining our position as a neutral platform that does not directly involve ourselves in disputes between users.

How do you protect the personal information of your users?

At, we take the privacy and security of our users’ personal information very seriously. We use a range of technical and organizational measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Our website uses SSL encryption to protect user data in transit, and our servers are hosted in secure data centers that meet industry standards for security and reliability. We also regularly update our software and systems to address any vulnerabilities that may arise.

We only collect the personal information that is necessary to provide our services, and we do not share user data with third parties for advertising or marketing purposes. We provide users with control over their personal information, including the ability to delete or modify their data at any time.

Overall, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security for our users and will continue to take all necessary measures to protect their personal information.

What is your approach to transparency and accountability?, is committed to being transparent and accountable to our users and the wider community. We strive to be open and honest about our policies, practices, and decisions, and engage with our users in a meaningful and respectful way.

We have clear terms & conditions and privacy policy that outlines our commitment to protecting user privacy and data.

We welcome constructive criticism and feedback from our users, and we are committed to continuously improving our services and policies while upholding our core values of transparency and accountability.

How do you build trust with your users?

Trust is a vital component of any successful online platform, and At, to build and maintain trust with our users, we prioritize the following:

  1. Safety and security: We have put in place measures to ensure the safety and security of our users, including email verification, moderation, and a reporting system for suspicious or abusive activity.
  2. Transparency: Because of our unwavering believe in transparency, we have provided a clear and concise terms & conditions and privacy policy, as well as regularly communicate with our users to provide updates on our services, policies, and any changes that may affect them.
  3. Accountability: We are accountable and committed to growth, and we welcome constructive criticism and feedback from our users. We have put in place an elaborate help/support page as well as dedicated customer support team to address every concern and questions of our users.
  4. User experience: We strive to provide a platform that is user friendly and that easy to navigate and reliable to use. We value our users’ feedback and continuously work to improve our services and features to meet their evolving needs.

Overall, we believe that by prioritizing safety, transparency, accountability, and user experience, we can build and maintain trust with our users and foster a strong and supportive community on TermlyPlan.

We take all copyright concerns seriously. If you see your copyrighted resources being sold on TermlyPlan marketplace without your permission, please contact us, we will investigate and follow up with you as we work to take the appropriate action.

Please note that TermlyPlan is unable to provide legal advice or make judgments whether or not any given material or resource does or does not infringe upon your intellectual property rights.

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