Lesson Plan

Welcome to TermlyPlan, the leading hub for all things related to lesson planning and teaching resources for teachers in Nigeria. Whether you an educator with years of experience or you are just starting your teaching journey, we’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide on how to write lesson plan effectively – Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Lesson Plan in Nigeria.

Why Lesson Planning is Important for Teachers

Lesson planning is to teaching what blood is to the human body. It’s simply the heartbeat of teaching, and in the dynamic educational landscape like Nigeria, it’s absolutely important. And here’s why:

1. Structured Learning Experience

Lesson plans help teachers stay on track, ensuring that important topics are covered and that learning objectives are achieved. It provide structured and organised approach to teaching, maintaining a productive and engaging learning experience.

2. Alignment with the Curriculum

We have specific curriculum that guide the educational system in Nigeria, and with the help of lesson plans, you can align with it, ensuring that your teaching materials and activities are in line with the standards of the national curriculum.

3. Adaptation to Diverse Student Needs

Effective lesson planning helps a teacher to cater to the individual needs and abilities of their students who come from diverse cultural backgrounds, ensuring that none of the students is left behind.

4. Assessment and Evaluation

Lesson plans help teachers in assessing students’ progress. With appropriately designed lesson plan, teachers can evaluate their students to know if learning has taken place, making it easier to measure the impact of their teaching.

Challenges Faced by Nigerian Teachers in Lesson Planning

Lesson planning, although essential, can be a challenging task. Here are some of the common challenges teachers face:

  • Administrative Workload: Teachers often have to deal with multiple responsibilities ranging from teaching several subjects and classes to handling multitude of administrative responsibilities alongside teaching, leaving limited time for lesson planning and preparation.
  • Limited Resources: Many Teachers in Nigeria face resource constraints, such as inadequate teaching materials, which can make it difficult to effectively create a well-rounded lesson plans.
  • Class Size: It is easier to manage a small class than a large one. And unfortunately, most schools in Nigeria have large classes, making it difficult for teachers to effectively manage students with diverse needs and maintain the right learning environment.
  • Diverse Student Backgrounds: Nigeria is blessed with rich and diverse cultural heritage. However, this can be a challenge for a teacher, who must cater to students with varying backgrounds and learning abilities. Writing lesson plans that accommodate this diversity can be very demanding.

By finding a way to address these challenges, teachers can develop lesson plans that are not only curriculum-compliant but also responsive to the unique needs of the Nigerian educational system.

Introducing TermlyPlan – #1 Lesson Plan Marketplace for Teachers in Nigeria

As we go over this step-by-step guide to writing Lesson Plan in Nigeria, permit me to quickly introduce you to TermlyPlan. We completely understand the challenges that educators and teachers in Nigeria face when it comes to putting together their lesson plans, so we build TermlyPlan.com as the solution.

TermlyPlan is an online marketplace for buying and selling lesson plans and teaching resources. It’s a platform powered by a community of teachers, where you can find a wealth of resources, inspiration, and a community of like-minded educators.

Our platform is tailored for educators and teachers in Nigeria who are passionate about delivering quality education. Whether you’re a teacher who want to earn extra income with your lesson plans and teaching resources or a teacher in need of materials to help achieve your lesson planning goals and deadlines, TermlyPlan is here to serve you. Click Here to start Buying or Selling on TermlyPlan Now!

Getting Started with Lesson Planning

Now that we’ve grasped the importance of Lesson Plans and the challenges faced by teachers in creating them, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the art of crafting effective lesson plans.

I want you to picture your lesson plan as a road map; the first thing you will want to do is decide your destination. In this case, your destination is the learning objectives. You must know exactly what you want to achieve with your lesson plan – the learning outcome.

To achieve the learning outcome, you will have to come up with means of measuring success and students’ engagement.

You must let the students know exactly what they’re expected to learn so as to get them motivated and engaged. Also take into account what your students already know and build upon their prior knowledge to create meaningful and relatable learning experience.

The Essential Elements of a Lesson Plan

Lesson planning is like preparing your favourite soup, you need certain ingredients to get the right taste. Your lesson plan is your recipe which comprises of some essential elements (ingredients) for a successful teaching and learning experience.

Here are the essential elements of a lesson plan:

1. Title

The first key element is the title of your lesson, which should be clear, engaging and should capture the purpose of the lesson.

2. Specific Objectives

State the specific objectives you aim to achieve by the end of the lesson, and it should be clear, measurable, and achievable.

3. Teaching/Learning Materials and Resources

List all the materials, resources, and teaching aids you’ll need for the lesson.

4. Introduction

This is where to provide a brief overview of what the lesson will cover and its relevance to the students.

5. Main Content

Break down the lesson into steps (or segments), specifying the content, activities, and interactions that will occur.

6. Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and Evaluation helps you know if learning has taken place and you can achieve this with assignments, tests or any other form of evaluation.

7. Conclusion and Reflection

Summarize the key points of the lesson and encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned.

8. Homework or Follow-up

If necessary, assign homework or suggest activities for students to reinforce their learning.

9. Adaptations and Differentiation

Make adjustments to accommodate the diverse student needs and describe any adjustments made.

As you put your lesson plan together, keep these elements in mind. They form the backbone of a well-structured, effective and engaging lesson plan that is tailored to the unique need of your students.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Lesson Plans: A case study of Lesson Plan on Biology for SS2 Class – “Reproductive System in Vertebrates”

The method of creating an effective lesson plan is like crafting a masterpiece – it takes careful thought and attention to detail. In this section, we’ll walk you through each step of the process, ensuring that your lesson plans are not only aligned with the curriculum but also engaging and dynamic for the students in your Nigerian classroom.

#1 Step: Choose Your Topic

In Nigeria, school teachers do not have to put together their own topics to teach, but simply follow the scheme of work drawn from the curriculum and learning objectives set by educational authorities. It’s essential to keep your lessons in sync with the official standards.

As a case study, we will choose the topic “REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN VERTEBRATES” for Biology Students in SS2 Class.

First step in crafting your lesson plan is to consider the interest, age and the background of your students. You must find things that will captivate their attention and relate to their lives.

#2 Step: Set Clear Learning Objectives

The next step is to set the learning objectives, which help to give the lesson direction. Create clear, specific, measurable, and achievable objectives. Follow these steps:

– Be Specific: State exactly what you want your students to learn or accomplish. Avoid vague goals; instead, pinpoint specific outcomes.

– Use Action Words: Frame your objectives with action verbs such as “define,” “calculate,” or “demonstrate.” This makes it easier to measure success.

– Keep it Measurable: Ensure that you can objectively assess whether the objective has been achieved. Use quantifiable criteria when possible.

– Make it Achievable: Set objectives that are challenging yet realistic, given the students’ age and abilities. Stretch their potential without making the goal unattainable.

As an example, the Specific Objectives for the topic “REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN VERTEBRATES” for Biology Students in SS2 Class are as follows:-

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

  1. describe the reproductive systems of fishes and amphibians,
  2. explain the reproductive system in reptiles,
  3. outline the reproductive system in birds and
  4. compare the methods of reproduction in different vertebrates.

#3 Step: Teaching/Learning Materials and Resources:

For our topic “REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN VERTEBRATES”, the teaching/learning materials and resources could be:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Diagrams and illustrations of vertebrate reproductive systems
  • Projector for multimedia presentations
  • Handouts summarizing key points

#4 Step: Design the Lesson Structure

A well-structured lesson plan helps keep the teacher on track and the students engaged. The component of a well-structured lesson plan include Introduction, Main Content, Activities, Assessment/Evaluation, Conclusion and Home Work or Follow-Up.

Using our Case Study topic “Reproductive System in Vertebrates”, let’s look at all the components of Lesson Plan.

=> Introduction

Start with a captivating introduction to grab students’ attention and provide context for the lesson.

For the topic we are considering, you can start the introduction by doing the following:

  • Briefly introduce the concept of reproductive systems in vertebrates.
  • Explain the importance of understanding these systems for a comprehensive grasp of animal biology.

=> Main Content

Break the lesson into segments or sections, each covering a specific topic or sub-topic and ensure the sections are logically organized into steps.

For our case study, your main content should centre on the following:

Step 1: Reproductive System in Fishes and Amphibians

  • Describe external fertilization in fishes and amphibians.
  • Highlight the location of reproductive organs in fishes, using tilapia as an example.
  • Discuss the wasteful nature of reproduction in these vertebrates.

Step 2: Reproductive System in Reptiles

  • Explain internal fertilization in reptiles.
  • Detail the male and female reproductive organs of the agama lizard as an example.
  • Emphasize the internal fertilization process.

Step 3: Reproductive System in Birds

  • Discuss internal fertilization in birds.
  • Explain the male and female reproductive organs in birds, using the domestic fowl as an example.
  • Highlight the unique features of bird reproduction, such as the absence of a penis.

Step 4: Comparison of Reproduction in Vertebrates

  • Engage students in a discussion about the differences in the reproductive methods of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
  • Use the provided table as a guide for the discussion.

=> Activities

To reinforce learning, incorporate different interactive activities such as discussions and hands-on experiences.

=> Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment helps you to gauge students’ progress and understanding. For our case study topic, here is what Assessment and Evaluation will look like:

  • Pose questions for class discussion.
  • Distribute evaluation questions:
  1. What are the reproductive organs in fishes and amphibians?
  2. What is the reproductive system in reptiles?
  3. What are the organs of reproduction in birds?
  4. What are the differences between the methods of reproduction in vertebrates?

=> Conclusion

Summarize the key points of the lesson and encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned.

=> Homework or Follow-up

Assign homework or suggest follow-up activities to reinforce learning beyond the classroom.

#5 Step: Time Management

Time is precious in the classroom. To effectively allocate time for each part of your lesson, plan ahead, be flexible and keep students engaged. Use time wisely by maintaining student engagement throughout the lesson.

Now that we’ve outlined the key steps of creating an effective lesson plan, you’re ready to get started. However, if you are racing against time and need urgent help meeting your lesson planning goal and deadline, we have got the solution for you on TermlyPlan.com – an online marketplace for buying and selling lesson plans and teaching resources powered by a community of educators.

Using TermlyPlan for Lesson Plan Sharing

TermlyPlan simplifies the process of accessing and sharing lesson plans. On TermlyPlan.com, you can order any fixed-priced ready-made Lesson Plans.

Here’s is how to order for Lesson Plans on TermlyPlan.com in five easy steps:

  • Step 1 – Registration: You have to be registered on TermlyPlan to access lesson plans, send messages, and leave reviews. Registration is 100% FREE.
  • Step 2 – Browse and Buy: Browse and purchase ready-made lesson plans.
  • Step 3 – Communication: Use the built-in messaging feature to communicate with sellers.
  • Step 4 – Order Placement: Place your order and relax while we deliver it. Once your order is processed, you can access it and download it you’re your user dashboard, it will also be automatically be sent to your email address.
  • Step 5 – Completion and Review: Mark the order as complete if you’re satisfied, allowing the vendor to receive payment. Rate your experience and leave a review.

TermlyPlan offers user-friendly features that make lesson planning and sharing a breeze:

  • Easy Registration: The registration process is simple and free, making it accessible to all educators. Click Here to Register Now!
  • Varied Lesson Plans: The platform offers a wide range of lesson plans to suit various needs and subjects.
  • Secure Messaging: A built-in messaging feature allows secure and efficient communication between buyers and sellers.
  • Review System: The review system ensures transparency and helps you make informed decisions when choosing lesson plans.

Click Here to start Buying or Selling Lesson Plans on TermlyPlan Now!


In a diverse and dynamic educational environment like Nigeria, well-structured lesson plans are the backbone of effective teaching. They ensure that education is relevant, engaging, and inclusive.

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