ASEI Lesson Plans

In this blog post, comprehensive guide on ASEI Lesson Plans, we shall be looking at what ASEI Lesson Plans are and how they can be used for effective teaching and learning in Nigeria. Lesson plans help teachers stay on track. Please, if you are new to, it is the leading marketplace where teachers and educators in Nigeria Buy/Sell Lesson Plans, Question banks and other digital teaching resources.

Lesson plans help teachers stay focused, ensuring that important topics are taught and that learning objectives are achieved. It provide organized and structured approach to teaching, maintaining a productive and engaging learning experience.

There are different types and approach to lesson planning, ASEI lesson plans is just one of the numerous types. ASEI which is an acronym for “Activity, Student-centred, Experiment, and Improvisation,” goes beyond the conventional approach to lesson planning. It’s about adding vitality into education, making lessons dynamic and fun through nurturing an environment where students actively participate in learning.

ASEI – PDSI Lesson Plans

The ASEI lesson plans, which are the current government-approved lesson plans, can be used for almost all subjects in Nigeria. At the heart of ASEI Lesson Plans is the PDSI practice – Plan, Do, See, Improve – a method that seamlessly complements ASEI’s holistic approach.
The ASEI framework transforms lesson planning by shifting the focus from a teacher-centric model to one that actively involves students in the learning process. It transforms educators into facilitators, nurturing a collaborative and engaging atmosphere within the classroom.
The ASEI – PDSI Lesson Plan format not only develops critical thinking skills in students but also accommodates students with diverse learning styles while fostering teamwork.

Advantages of the ASEI Lesson Plans

The ASEI lesson plan is more than just a framework; it’s a transformative approach to education that offers lots of advantages such as:

1. Development of Critical Thinking Skills:

The ASEI lesson plan serves as a catalyst for cultivating critical thinking skills among students. Incorporating activities and experiments encourages students to question, analyse, and evaluate information, hence promoting the habit of mindful reasoning that extends beyond the four walls of the classroom.

2. Targeted Learning Objectives:

Learning objectives in the ASEI framework are not just a checklist; they are carefully geared towards the main aim of the lesson. This ensures that each element of the lesson plan contributes directly to the overall educational goal. And ultimately creating a focused and purposeful learning experience.

3. Inclusive Learning Styles:

One of the advantages of the ASEI lesson plan is that it helps the educator to carry all the students along through adoption of individual preferences of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning inclinations. This makes the ASEI lesson plan the champion of inclusivity.

4. Team Player Development:

The ASEI lesson plans, unlike traditional lesson plans that isolate students in their learning experience, turns students into team players. It creates collective responsibility among learners through collaborative activities that are student centric.

5. Usefulness ASEI Lesson Plans across Learning Domains:

One of the advantages of the ASEI lesson plan is its ability to cut across the three domains of learning – cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. ASEI lesson plans ensure holistic development through engaging students in critical thinking, promote emotional intelligence through teamwork and physical activities through experiments.

6. Practical Application of Knowledge:

ASEI doesn’t just stop at theory, but ensures practical application of knowledge, hence making learning active and not passive. And this in turn instils a lasting understanding of the subject matter.

7. Preparation for Real-World Challenges:

Finally, through the use of ASEI framework, students are prepared for the challenges of the real world. This is achieved through emphasis on adaptability and improvisation, which equips learners with the resilience and problem-solving skills essential for success beyond the classroom.

Practical Steps for Implementing ASEI in Lesson Plans

Implementing ASEI framework into your lesson plans can both be exciting and transformative. To integrate ASEI in your lesson planning, follow the steps below:

1. Identify Learning Objectives:

  • Define clear and achievable learning objectives based on the curriculum.
  • Ensure that objectives align with the broader goals of the ASEI framework.

2. Select Engaging Activities:

  • Choose activities that align with the learning objectives and cater to diverse learning styles.
  • Activities should be interactive, promoting student engagement and participation.

3. Incorporate Student-Centred Approaches:

  • Encourage students to take an active role in their learning process.
  • Design tasks that allow for collaboration, discussion, and peer interaction.

4. Introduce Experiments:

  • Integrate hands-on experiments that complement the subject matter.
  • Ensure experiments are safe, align with the curriculum, and encourage critical thinking.

5. Foster Improvisation:

  • Create a flexible environment where teachers and students can adapt to unexpected situations.
  • Encourage spontaneous discussions, problem-solving, and creative thinking.

Tips for Teachers on Applying Each Component of the ASEI Framework Effectively
Implementing ASEI effectively requires a thoughtful approach. Here are tips for teachers to enhance each component of the framework:


  • Tip 1: Align activities with the interests of your students.
  • Tip 2: Ensure that activities cater to different learning styles.
  • Tip 3: Incorporate technology for a modern and engaging twist.

Student-Centred Approaches:

  • Tip 1: Encourage student-led discussions and group work.
  • Tip 2: Allow for student choice in certain aspects of the lesson.
  • Tip 3: Provide opportunities for self-assessment and reflection.


  • Tip 1: Integrate experiments that connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications.
  • Tip 2: Ensure experiments are age-appropriate and safe.
  • Tip 3: Discuss the scientific method and encourage students to formulate hypotheses.


  • Tip 1: Embrace unexpected teaching moments as opportunities for learning.
  • Tip 2: Encourage students to share their ideas and solutions.
  • Tip 3: Reflect on lessons regularly and be open to adapting plans for continuous improvement.

Examples and Scenarios to Illustrate the Implementation Process of ASEI

Let’s explore some scenarios showcasing the effective implementation of ASEI:

1. Mathematics Lesson (Activity):

Scenario: Engage students in a group activity where they solve real-life mathematical problems related to budgeting. This not only reinforces mathematical concepts but also promotes teamwork.

2. Literacy Lesson (Student-Centred):

Scenario: Let students choose a book for a literature circle. Each student takes on a specific role (summarizer, discussion leader, etc.), fostering a student-led discussion and enhancing comprehension.

3. Science Lesson (Experiments):

Scenario: Conduct a chemistry experiment where students explore the concept of chemical reactions. This hands-on approach allows them to see science in action and encourages curiosity.

4. History Lesson (Improvisation):

Scenario: During a history discussion, encourage students to ask unexpected questions. Use these moments to explore new perspectives and delve deeper into historical events, fostering critical thinking.


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In this ASEI Lesson Plans guide, we’ve explored the transformative approach to teaching through the ASEI framework – where Activities, Student-Centred methods, Experiments, and Improvisation reign supreme. We’ve witnessed how this innovative strategy aligns seamlessly with the Nigerian educational system, benefits both teachers and students, and brings real-life examples to the forefront.

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